Where are you located?

Calloway UMC is located in the Halls Hill/High View Park community. Our address is 5000 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207. We are a few blocks from Heidelberg Bakery and the Langston-Brown Community Center. We gather for Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. and worship at 11:00 a.m.

What can I expect when I worship at Calloway?

When you worship at Calloway, you will experience the welcome of a close intimate community that is diverse in age, background, and life experiences. There is something in every worship experience for all people in attendance.

Is childcare available?

At Calloway, we encourage families to worship together and welcome the wiggles, giggles, and joyful noises of little ones. However, if you prefer to be in worship without your child/children, our nursery is available for infants through age three, located in the lower auditorium of our building. We also have worship bags available for older children if needed.

Where do I park and enter?

Calloway has a small parking lot located on the 22nd Street side of our church. On street parking is available on neighboring streets. Additional parking is available in the lot of the Swim store adjacent the church, accessible from Lee Highway.

There are two ways to enter the church—from the front on the Lee Highway side and the back, from the church’s parking lot. If you arrive after worship begins at 11:00 a.m., please use the front entrance as the back entrance is locked for security reasons.

How do I become a member?

If you would like to know more about Calloway and the United Methodist church, you are invited to attend our “Coffee and Conversation” classes with our pastor. These classes are held to help you discern whether (or not) Calloway is the right place for you at this point in your spiritual journey. If after these classes you feel Calloway is the right place for you and you are ready to commit to living out your discipleship among us, you will be welcomed into membership the Sunday following the last class session.

When is the Administrative Office open?

The Administrative office is open on Mondays through Thursdays from 9:00 – 1:30 pm. The evening hours are Tuesdays and Thursday evenings from 4:00 – 8:30 pm.

How can I contact the Pastor?

The Pastor is in the office during business hours and can be reached by phone or email. Also, there is a 24 hour voicemail for emergencies. Please call (703) 525-4472.

How does Calloway help the community?

Calloway Church has established partnerships with Bridges to Independence (homeless shelter), Doorways for Women and Children (domestic violence shelter), Arlington Food Assistance Center, Edith P. Wright Breast Cancer Foundation, local food banks and more. Also, our denomination provides relief and outreach locally, state wide, nationally and internationally.

Who is welcome at Calloway?

We welcome ALL people. There is no choice, issue, circumstance, or difference that could make you not welcome here. We are all the same, and we are all different. Our differences create diversity not division. YOU are welcome.